Iniciativas locales que mueven el mundo. Exposición en el edificio Berlaymont de la Comisión Europea en Bruselas

La exposición "iniciativas locales que mueven el mundo" que se presentó con motivo de la celebración del Día de la persona emprendedora 2011, finaliza el la itinerancia en la Piazza del Edificio Berlaymont de la Comisión Europea.

El catalogo de la Exposición cuenta con el apoyo del Ministerio de Trabajo Español y con una presentación del Comisario de Empleo Sr.Andor (adjunta en Ingles)

Por motivos técnicos la inauguración se ha pospuesto

Local Development in Valencia Region (with the participation of other Spanish and European associations) exhibition in Brussels. The openning date was postponed for techinical reasons.
The activitity has the support of the Spanish Employment Ministry and with the participation of Commissioner László Andor with a   foreword  for the Catalogue of the exhibition:

Economic and social development must not fall victim to the workings of financial markets or to institutional problems of a currency union. Entrepreneurs, workers, civil society and regional and local actors must not become paralysed by the adverse macroeconomic environment. In fact, Europe's prospects for a recovery largely depend on the dynamism, innovation and job creation that come from the bottom up.
The EU is transforming itself towards a development model that is smart, sustainable and inclusive – and this strategy must remain the core of our response to the economic crisis.  We need – and are working to – boost education and skills and bring people into jobs, improve resource efficiency, spur innovation, and strengthen social inclusion. But for the Europe 2020 Strategy to be successfully implemented, we need cooperative solutions at all levels. Socio-economic progress will not happen without ownership and active involvement of local players.
While the EU builds stronger economic governance and policy coordination, it is not forgetting the social dimension of the European project, and it is not forgetting the importance of territorial cohesion and local development. EU Cohesion Policy is being modernised for 2014-2020 to provide investments for key development needs in line with the Europe 2020 Strategy, and to simplify administration for those actually creating and running development projects. Within Cohesion Policy, the Commission is advocating a strong European Social Fund to invest in people: their employment, education, social inclusion -- or in a broader sense, in the realisation of the potential every person carries to contribute to economic and social development. What we also emphasise is that regions and cities, as well as the social partners and NGOs, must have a say in the design, implementation and assessment of Cohesion Policy programmes.
This photo exhibition organized by Association of Local Development Agents and Socio-Economic Developmentof Valencia presents good examples of enthusiasm on local level, and what can be achieved when communities are empowered to improve the economic and social situation in a creative way. The photos also show that volunteers and civil society have an important role to play in increasing the outreach and effectiveness of policy tools – for example in promoting employment among disadvantaged people, or supporting the integration of marginalised groups.
I hope that visitors will be inspired and encouraged to contribute to community development through their own action. Because to move the world we need an entrepreneurial attitude and we need to bring the society closer together.

European Commissioner, Employment 
